Bow thruster casing

Rebuild of Bow Thruster Casing

This propeller shaft was exposed to severe bi-metallic corrosion. By applying Wencon epoxy products, you are able to protect your ship equipment against future corrosion and avoid replacing it for newer parts. It is cost friendly and good for the green maritime agenda.

The challenge

A heavily damaged casing

Bi-metallic corrosion, also known as galvanic corrosion, occurs when two different metals are in electrical contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte, such as seawater. This reaction often leads to accelerated corrosion of the less noble metal, resulting in significant damage to propeller shafts over time. This type of corrosion is particularly concerning in the marine environment, where the combination of saltwater, varying temperatures, and constant exposure to harsh elements makes propeller shafts vulnerable. Therefore, it was crucial to act upon the damage and rebuild and protect the propeller shaft against future corrosion.

The outcome

Rebuilt to original shape by using Wencon

The Wencon materials used at this job
can be machined, drilled and worked like metal, after curing. Note the contact surface, which was heavily damaged; is now rebuild to original shape. The steel is now separated from the seawater, and will not be attacked
by bimetallic corrosion for many years.

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