July 5, 2024 · 2 min
New website, new look
Blood, sweat and tears…. That is what it took to get us here. Okay, that might be a bit dramatic, but with a former outdated website, it was about time to upgrade to a new one. And here it is!

A new look for a new beginning
We are proud of the new website as it is going to function as your go-to resource page.
Whenever you are in need of inspirational or educational content in form of guides, how to’s, application videos or just want to stay updated with our latest news, succesful customer cases or our great work with Reflow reducing carbon footprint in scope 3.
But a new addition to our well-known logo found its way as well. A so-called logomark. It doesn’t change the way we work, our products, our solutions or our mission to provide you with the best possible repair and maintenance epoxy solutions for maritime industry.
It’s simply just a new look for a new website underlining the meaning of Wencon, the maritime wave, the dynamic of our company, the industry, the products and the plus/cross for of course: high quality products and the response to a first kit aid onboard for the ship equipment.
Interactive ship showing solutions
While we of course cannot add all of our Wencon epoxy solutions, we thought it would be helpful to inspire you about most common repair and maintenance solutions we provide onboard a ship.
Still under construction
We hope you will find joy and inspiration inn our new website.
As we are still working on transferring content such as former videos and guides to our new website, please reach out to us if you need something and we will provide it for you.